Minnesota Liberal

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Sen. Michele Bachmann

Sen. Michele Bachmann
Originally uploaded by minnesotaliberal.


Friday, March 11, 2005

Where I Will Be... In Case You Need Me

Right now... the issue of gay marriage is extremely important to me. I am just about to the four year mark of my relationship with my partner, and I hope to one day see us starting a family together. And I will be greatly dissappointed if my family is not given all the same rights as any other.

But one challenge that lies ahead is the gay marriage amendment being pushed here in Minnesota. An arrogant, power hungry, egotistical politician from the great city of Stillwater seems to think that it is okay to write discrimination into our state's counstitution. She intends to scare the citizens of our state into believing that same-sex couples are endangering their civil and religious liberties.

A local political activist, Eva Young, who feels the same as myself started a blog devoted to informing the public about Bachmann's long record of radical partisanship. And it is a project I hope to support in any way possible.

With that said, I just wanted to let everyone know that I was graciously invited to contribute to the DumpBachmann blog. So the little free time I have for writing will be devoted to Dump Bachmann. I would greatly appreciate if you add this blog to your blogrolls and check out the site. Eva has also started a Dump Bachmann Meetup group for people who would like to get together. I encourage everyone to join!

Thanks to anyone who still bothers to drop by and check out my site. I know I barely ever post. Sorry! I am usually too busy with work, home remodeling, or reading all of the great local sites I have been finding lately.

Like rew at Powerliberal. Love your site! Let me know the next time you need someone for trivia at Keegans!

Or Fecke at Blog of the Moderate Left.

Or Flash at Centrisity. (Actually, I have been reading Centrisity for a while- but I was lazy and never added it to my links.)

Minn Politics Guru at MinnPolitics.

PZMeyers at Pharyngula. Who knew science could be so cool?

Tom at Curly Tales of War Pigs.

Moses at Yowling from the Fencepost.

Or Eva at Lloydletta's Nooz.

Or Trillin at MNLeftyLiberal whose blog address seems oddly familiar.

And I can't forget the blogs I have been reading every day for quite some time.

All the folks at New Patriot.

The first thing I read every morning... Norwegianity.

The crew at MNGOPWatch.

Mike and the 'Yeti (former of Frozen Tundra) over at JTE.

You guys all rock, and I hope you all will work together with us in stopping Michele Bachmann.

Please stop by Eva's DumpBachmann and participate in the discussion.
